20+ American Net Worth Statistics [2023]: Average US Net Worth By Age, Education, Race - Zippia (2024)

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Research Summary: With college loans and other debts often looming, many Americans wonder what their net worth would be. After all, because net worth factors in so many financial aspects of our lives, trying to examine the big picture can be difficult.

Additionally, factors like age, education, and ethnicity can all play clear or unseen roles in average net worth.

To learn more about the average net worth in the US, based on all of these factors, we’ve gathered all of the latest statistics. According to our extensive research:

  • The average American net worth is $748,800.

  • The median American net worth is $121,700.

  • The average American net worth by age:

    • Less than 35 – $76,300

    • 35-44 – $436,200

    • 45-54 – $833,200

    • 55-64 – $1,175,900

    • 65-74 – $1,217,700

    • 75+ – $977,600

Average American Net Worth by Age

Age is one of the clearest dividers between Americans with high net worth and low net worth. In general, older Americans are further along in their careers and have more assets, causing a higher average net worth. To see these trends in action, here are some age-related net worth statistics:

Average And Median Net Worth By Age

Age rangeAverage net worthMedian net worth
Less than 35$76,300$13,900
  • Americans between 65-74 have the highest average net worth of $1.21 million.

    This age range has the highest average net worth in the US, which unsurprisingly correlates with the end of someone’s career right before retirement. In this way, people in this age range have built up as much wealth as possible. Those 75+ have a lower average net worth because getting through retirement without working consumes more resources.

  • Americans under 35 have the lowest average net worth of $76,300.

    Between student loans and a lack of assets (especially property), young Americans have a far lower net worth than older Americans.

  • The median net worth of those 65-74 is 78% less than their average net worth.

    This trend is true for all ages, but wealthy individuals skew the data greatly when calculating averages. More realistically, Americans of all ages have a net worth of under $300,000.

Average American Net Worth by Race

While the reality is unfortunate, American net worth varies considerably by race. Whether generational poverty, current systems, or any other factors are to blame, here are the facts about race and wealth in the US:

Average And Median Net Worth By Race

RaceAverage net worthMedian net worth
  • White Americans have the highest average net worth of $983,400.

    White Americans make 570% more than Black Americans and 380% more than Hispanic Americans. The numbers aren’t much better for median incomes either, showing the massive disparity between different races in the US.

  • Black Americans have the lowest median net worth of $24,100.

    Comparably, White Americans have a median net worth of $188,200. This disparity in wealth is similar to the difference between older and younger Americans, making it clear that there is something holding Black Americans back.

    For example, the generational poverty that prevents Black Americans from starting out with assets (which also requires them to take on more debt) is akin to how younger Americans also have less, on average, than older Americans.

  • Multi-racial Americans saw the highest increase in average net worth in four years.

    Multi-racial Americans experienced a 20% increase in average net worth between 2016-2019.

  • Latino Americans saw the sharpest decrease in average net worth within four years.

    Latino Americans experienced a -19% decrease in average net worth between 2016-2019. While White and Black Americans also saw decreases, these were very slight -1% and -3% decreases, respectively.

Average American Net Worth by Education

Education can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Americans with higher education levels tend to have higher salaries, while on the other hand, they also accrue more debt. Here are some key facts about education and net worth:

Average And Median Net Worth By Education

Education levelAverage net worthMedian net worth
No high school diploma$137,800$20,500
High school diploma$305,200$74,000
Some college$376,400$88,800
College degree$1.52M$302,200
  • Americans with college degrees have an average net worth of almost $1.52 million.

    Americans with college degrees have a significantly higher net worth than anyone without one. This is even true for Americans with some college, but no degree, who have an average net worth of only $376,400.

  • Americans with a college degree make 1,000% more than those without a high school degree.

    Americans with a college degree have an average net worth of $1.52 million, while those without a high school degree have an average net worth of only $137,800.

Average American Net Worth Over Time

The net worth of Americans has fluctuated a lot over time, with dips often associated with recessions, inflation, and an increased cost of living. Here are some stats that show how net worth has changed over time:

  • Median American net worth has increased by 34% between 2010-2019.

    The median American net worth was $90,730 in 2010, in part due to the effects of the 2008 housing market crash. As of 2019, the median American net worth has reached $121,700.

    Median Net Worth Over Time

    YearMedian net worth
  • Median net worth for those 55-64 decreased by over 37% between 2004-2019.

    By contrast, the median net worth for those 35 and under has remained stagnant since 1989, and the median income for those 75+ has increased slightly.

    Median Net Worth By Age Over Time

    YearLess than 3535-4445-5455-6465-7475+
  • The median net worth for those with a college degree has decreased by 27% since 2007.

    The median income for all education levels has decreased since 2007, but those with college degrees have been affected most severely.

    Median Net Worth By Education Over Time

    YearNo high school diplomaHigh school diplomaSome collegeCollege degree
  • White and Black Americans have seen the largest decrease in net worth during the 2008 recession, at -28%.

    All races suffered during the housing market crash, but this trend seems to indicate that white Americans were most affected. However, Hispanic Americans also saw their net worth decrease by -25%.

    Median Net Worth By Race Over Time


Average American Net Worth by Other Factors

We’ve covered some of the major factors that impact net worth in the US; however, there are still some important ones to cover. From the impact of your location to gender gaps, here are some statistics:

  • American homeowners have an average net income over 1,050% higher than renters.

    The average net worth for American homeowners is $1.10 million, compared to only $95,600 for renters.

  • Men’s median net worth is 120% higher than women’s.

    Men in the US have a median net worth of $12,188, compared to a median net worth of only $5,541 for women.

  • The state with the highest median net worth is Hawaii, at $373,200.

    This is over $100,000 more than any other state. On the other end of the scale, Mississippi has the lowest median net worth of $40,280.

Average And Median Net Worth By State

StateAverage net worthMedian net worth
New Hampshire$531,300$243,600
New Jersey$581,300$195,200
New Mexico$256,200$56,450
New York$479,900$123,900
North Carolina$419,200$108,400
North Dakota$563,600$241,000
Rhode Island$319,200$83,790
South Carolina$364,500$81,150
South Dakota$599,900$216,600
West Virginia$294,500$65,290

Average American Net Worth Breakdown

One of the most important measures of US net income is bank accounts. Checking, savings, and retirement accounts can provide valuable information about how Americans spend and save money. Here are the facts:

  • The average bank account balance in the US is $10,545.

    However, this number also varies a lot by age, with those 35 and under having an average of $11,250 in their accounts, while those 65-74 have an average of $60,410 in their account.

    Average Bank Account Balance By Age

    Age rangesAverage bank account balance
    Less than 35$11,250
  • The average retirement (401k) account balance in the US is $141,542.

    However, this also varies a lot by age, with those under 25 having an average retirement account balance of only $6,264, compared to $279,997 for those 65+.

    Average Retirement Account Balance By Age

    Age rangeAverage retirement account balance
    Less than 25$6,264

Average American Debt Breakdown

Taking on debt is just a part of life for most Americans. From student loans to car payments to mortgages, it’s more surprising to meet someone who doesn’t have debt. To find out more about the average debt in the US, here are some essential facts:

  • The average American has $90,460 in debt.

    Gen X (ages 40-55) has the highest average debt of $135,841, while Gen Z (adults ages 18-23) only has an average debt of $9,593.

    Average Personal Debt By Generation

    GenerationAverage debt
    Gen Z (ages 18-23)$9,593
    Millennials (ages 24-39)$78,396
    Gen X (ages 40-55)$135,841
    Baby Boomers (ages 56-74)$96,984
    Silent Generation (75+)$40,925
  • The average household debt in the US is $167,463.

    A whopping 80% of Americans have some form of debt, making it a common and important factor for calculating average net worth.

Net Worth FAQ

  1. How do you calculate net worth?

    You calculate net worth by subtracting the total of all liabilities from the value of all assets. More simply, your net worth is what’s left of the value of what you own after you subtract what you owe (often in the form of debt).

    For example, if Charlie has $500,000 worth of assets (e.g., house, property, vehicles, etc.) and owes $350,000 worth in debt on these and other assets, that means his net worth is $150,000.

  2. What counts toward your net worth?

    Assets and liabilities are what count toward your net worth. To get a better idea of what falls under these categories, here are some detailed lists:

    Examples of assets:

    • House

    • Cars

    • Boats

    • Planes

    • Business property

    • Investments

    • Cash

    Examples of liabilities:

    • Credit card debt

    • Student loans

    • Mortgage

    • Car loans

    • Personal loans.

  3. Net worth that can be considered rich in the US?

    Someone with at least $2.2 million in net worth can be considered rich in the US. More specifically, people with $1 million or more are considered High Net Worth (HNW) individuals, while people who make $5million-$10million are very high net worth individuals, and people who make $30+ million are ultra-high net worth individuals.

    In your personal life, whether or not you’re “rich” based on your net worth can depend a lot on your location, cost of living, and more.

  4. What is a good net worth by age?

    A good net worth by age is subjective, but the median net worth by age can give us clues about average Americans. Here is the median net worth by age, which gives us an idea of where most Americans stand:

    • Less than 35 – $13,900

    • 35-44 – $91,300

    • 45-54 – $168,600

    • 55-64 – $212,500

    • 65-74 – $266,400

    • 75+ – $254,800

    The reason why median net worth is more useful for measuring whether or not your own net worth is healthy is that the numbers are less skewed by the wealthiest individuals in the US.


Net worth can be an important tool for determining the health of your current finances, as you can compare your own net worth to others of your age, gender, location, and more.

However, net worth statistics can also provide a concerning insight into inequalities all over the US.

While there’s nothing inherently wrong with younger Americans earning far less than older Americans, there is something deeply concerning about Black and Hispanic Americans having far lower average net worths than White Americans or women having lower net worths than men.

Hopefully, these statistics can help us to identify issues and inequalities within our country, so we can work toward a more fair, less indebted structure.


  1. First Republic – Average American Net Worth by Age, Education, and More

  2. Insider – The average net worth in America by age, race, education, and location

  3. The Motley Fool – Average Net Worth of Americans by Age, Education, and Race

  4. Bankrate – The average 401(k) balance by age

  5. CNBC – The average American has $90,460 in debt—here’s how much debt Americans have at every age

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20+ American Net Worth Statistics [2023]: Average US Net Worth By Age, Education, Race - Zippia (1)


Jack Flynn20+ American Net Worth Statistics [2023]: Average US Net Worth By Age, Education, Race - Zippia (2)

Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications.Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

20+ American Net Worth Statistics [2023]: Average US Net Worth By Age, Education, Race - Zippia (2024)


20+ American Net Worth Statistics [2023]: Average US Net Worth By Age, Education, Race - Zippia? ›

Both median and average family net worth surged between 2019 and 2022, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve. Average net worth increased by 23% to $1,063,700, the Fed reported in October 2023, the most recent year it published the data. Median net worth, on the other hand, rose 37% over that same period to $192,900.

What is the average net worth of an American in 2023? ›

Both median and average family net worth surged between 2019 and 2022, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve. Average net worth increased by 23% to $1,063,700, the Fed reported in October 2023, the most recent year it published the data. Median net worth, on the other hand, rose 37% over that same period to $192,900.

What is the average American net worth by age? ›

Average net worth by age
Age by decadeAverage net worthMedian net worth
4 more rows

What is the average net worth of the top 20% of Americans? ›

The top 20% net worth in the U.S. is $558,189 in 2022.

Also home ownership can help get you to this level quicker if you buy in an area that's growing and increasing in value over the years.

What is the average net worth of people in their 20s? ›

Net Worth In Your 20s

The average net worth for twentysomethings is $104,878 and the median is $7,467. In your 20s, you are early in your career and less stable in your finances. Your salary may be tidy, and you may have more debt than assets, possibly due to student debt and a car loan.

What is considered wealthy in 2023? ›

Since 2017, Schwab has collected data annually on Americans' perspectives on saving, spending, investing, and wealth. This year's study reveals that Americans now think it takes an average of $2.5 million to be considered wealthy – which is up slightly from 2023 and 2022 ($2.2 million).

How many people have $3000000 in savings in the USA? ›

The number of individuals with such a significant amount of savings can vary based on factors like income levels, investments, and personal financial decisions. There are estimated to be a little over 8 million households in the US with a net worth of $3 million or more.

What net worth puts you in the top 5%? ›

The most recent data from the Fed's Survey of Consumer Finances comes from the end of 2022. If you wanted to be in the top 5% of households at that point, you would need a net worth of $3,795,000. As you might expect, though, you don't need as much to reach the top 5% of younger households.

Does net worth include home? ›

Household wealth or net worth is the value of assets owned by every member of the household minus their debt. The terms are used interchangeably in this report. Assets include owned homes, vehicles, financial accounts, retirement accounts, stocks, bonds and mutual funds, and more.

What net worth is considered wealthy? ›

Americans believe it now takes an average net worth of $2.5 million to be counted as rich, a 14% increase from last year's $2.2 million, according to a new survey from Charles Schwab.

What's the net worth of the top 2%? ›

According to Kiplinger, by 2025, entering the top 2% of America's wealth will require a net worth of approximately $2.7 million, marking the threshold for elite economic status. Last year, the Schwab Modern Wealth Survey revealed Americans believe it takes $2.2 million to feel wealthy.

Does net worth include retirement accounts? ›

What Does Net Worth Include? Net worth is your personal or business assets (such as retirement accounts or office equipment) minus your liabilities (such as a student or business loan). It's the difference between what you owe and what you own.

What income is upper class? ›

While there's no definitive line, households in the top 20% of earners are generally considered upper class. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in 2022 was $74,580. To reach the upper class in 2024, you'd typically need an income exceeding $153,000 – more than double the national median.

What is the average net worth by age for Americans? ›

Average net worth by age
Less than 35 years$148,300$96,310
35 to 44 years$356,700$224,800
45 to 54 years$568,800$378,600
55 to 64 years$717,500$510,400
3 more rows
Jul 22, 2024

What is top 1% net worth by age? ›

Here is the top 1% net worth by age group, courtesy of DQYDJ:
  • Top 1% net worth for ages 18-24: $435,076.59.
  • Top 1% net worth for ages 25-29: $606,188.36.
  • Top 1% net worth for ages 30-34: $956,944.74.
  • Top 1% net worth for ages 35-39: $4,034,486.45.
  • Top 1% net worth for ages 40-44: $7,909,636.79.

What percentage of retirees have $3 million dollars? ›

The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) estimates that 3.2% of retirees have over $1 million, and a mere 0.1% have $5 million or more, based on data from the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances. 2. What is the estimated amount of money needed to retire at age 60?

What percentage of Americans have a net worth of over $1,000,000? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What is considered a lot of money in 2023? ›

$560,000. That sum is the average net worth of Americans who actually feel wealthy in 2023, as measured in the same Schwab survey. Nearly half of Americans feel wealthy, Schwab reports, and their average household wealth falls well short of the $2.2 million to which they aspire.

What is the average net worth of a U.S. citizen? ›

The average net worth in America is $1.063 million, according to data from the Federal Reserve. Median data is less likely to reflect outliers, however, and may show a more accurate depiction of the typical American family. The median net worth in America is $192,900, according to data from the Federal Reserve.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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