The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (2024)

Aluminum alloy, AlSi10Mg, prepared by selective laser melt (SLM) fabrication was anodized in 9.8% sulfuric acid (Type II) at 15 V for a total of 23 min. Experiments were performed to study the potentiostatic anodization process and its effects on the oxide coating morphology, thickness, and electrochemical properties of the alloy. Prior to anodization, the alloy microstructure is composed of aluminum cells encapsulated in a silicon network. Anodizing the abraded and polished AlSi10Mg surface produced a porous oxide layer with a thickness of 5 μm. The oxide coating weight was 698 ± 29 mg/ft2. The oxide coating forms in the aluminum cells that are isolated from one another by the silicon eutectic phase. In electrochemical tests, the anodic and cathodic potentiodynamic polarization currents were suppressed by factors of 15× and 215×, respectively, as compared to the unanodized controls. The data indicate the anodic oxide coating suppresses the cathodic more than the anodic reaction rate. Linear polarization resistance (Rp) values increased by 279× after anodization. The corrosion current density values (jcorr) decreased by 133× after anodization. Taken together, the electrochemical data indicate the anodic oxide coating (unsealed) increases the corrosion resistance of the SLM alloy by two orders of magnitude.

There is a technological need in manufacturing for higher complexity in component design and more efficient use of raw materials with less generated waste. To this end, additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing) is ever-growing in application.1Advantages of additive manufacturing (AM) are three-fold: (i) bottom-up preparation of components with far less less material waste, (ii) production of complex designs in less time than is needed for conventional top-down machining, and (iii) the ability to prepare materials with improved mechanical properties or corrosion resistance through single powder additions and layer-by-layer fabrication. 2 Selective laser melt (SLM) processing is a powder bed fusion AM method that is commonly used to create metal parts with a high degree of precision and freedom in design without any subtractive machining. 14 SLM uses a high-powered laser to fuse thin layers of pre-alloyed metal powder. After each layer is created (powder applied + laser melting and particle fusion), a new bed of powder is added on top of the build and fused to create near-fully dense parts. The main challenges with SLM and the fabrication of AlSi10Mg alloys are powder related issues (high reflectivity, high thermal conductivity, and low laser absorptivity) and process-induced defects (grain growth, porosity, lack of fusion, inclusion compounds and residual stresses from the thermal gradients). 5,6 Fundamental research is needed with SLM metal alloys to fully understand (i) how the fabrication parameters influence the material density, defect density, microstructure, and corrosion susceptibility and (ii) how different surface pretreatments and finishes are optimally applied to mitigate corrosion most effectively. These structure-function relationships have been established for wrought and die-cast alloys, but are still to be determined for AM materials.

Aluminum alloys are structural components for the fuselage, wings, and tail sections of aircraft to reduce overall weight and improve fuel efficiency. Aluminum alloy, AlSi10Mg (A360), fabricated by SLM, is a commonly researched aerospace material. 512 Corrosion control of these alloys is critical in service. It is not yet fully established how the electrochemical properties of SLM AlSi10Mg alloys are influenced by the processing and post-processing parameters (e.g., the build conditions, build direction and post-fabrication heat treatment). These parameters will control the microstructure, porosity, and corrosion susceptibility. Corrosion initiation will depend on the surface conditions including the surface roughness, exposed defects, and the presence of secondary phases in the microstructure. In a thorough study, Cabrini et al. reported that preferential corrosion of SLM AlSi10Mg occurs at the edge of the melt pool zone with the attack progressing via selective dissolution of the α-Al matrix. 7,10 The Al dissolution is galvanically driven by the higher nobility of adjacent Al-Si eutectic phase that acts as a cathode. A melt pool boundary is the region or interface between successive layers of melted material in the SLM process. These boundaries are the regions where successive layers of melted material solidify during the laser scanning particle fusion process. Corrosion can proceed along the melt pool boundaries due to microstructural imperfection (e.g., exposed intermetallic phases, defects, residual stress, etc) that function as preferential sites for localized degradation. 11 Fathi et al. 9 and Rafieazad et al. 12 have demonstrated that by varying the fabrication parameters and post-processing treatments of SLM AlSi10Mg, one can reduce the corrosion susceptibility of the material. For example, Fathi et al. observed that the corrosion behavior of the abraded and smoothed alloy was improved as compared to the as-built specimens, which generally have a rough surface texture, after 24 h of immersion in 3.5 wt% NaCl. This was attributed to the formation of a less defective, denser, and perhaps thicker passivating native oxide layer. 9 Rafieazad et al. found that AlSi10Mg alloys undergo localized corrosion along the melt pool boundaries at the corrosion potential. 12 Furthermore the authors observed that if the fabrication process produces a fine Al-Si eutectic structure along the melt pool boundaries, then polishing the as-prepared surface can effectively improve the corrosion resistance by removing these structures. In summary, the evidence suggests that post-fabrication processing can improve the the corrosion resistance of the SLM AlSi10Mg alloy.

Heat treatments have been studied to learn their effect on the microstructure and the resulting corrosion susceptibility of the SLM alloys. 11 Likewise, the native surface roughness, which is common with AM metal parts, surface finishes applied to the rough surfaces do improve the corrosion resistance. 13 As mentioned above, the corrosion degradation tends to initiate and propagate along the melt pool boundaries. This leads to pitting or crevice corrosion that bores below the surface. 912 Such localized corrosion is deleterious to part longevity and mechanical strength, so ways of effectively protecting the metal from this type of degradation are needed. Surface finishes (i.e., coatings) are typically applied to mitigate corrosion. Revilla et al. studied solution processing and conversion coating and found the coating provides a thin protective film that increases the corrosion resistance of AlSi10Mg. 14 Our group has previously reported on the improved corrosion resistance of AlSi10Mg produced by SLM when treated with a trivalent chromium process (TCP) conversion coating. 15

Anodization of aluminum alloy is another type of surface treatment that can improve corrosion and wear resistance. 16,17 Anodization produces a porous oxide coating that is several micrometers thick. In addition to passivating the alloy surface, the oxide coating provides an efficient base for bonding with primer or paint overlayers (i.e., adhesion promotion). The military standard for anodizing aluminum alloys is MIL-A-8625F. 17 This military specification categorizes anodizing by the acid solution. Type I and Type II are both used for enhancing corrosion resistance. Chromic acid (Type I) has been effectively used to produce oxide coatings with a high degree of corrosion resistance. 18 However, chromate is toxic and an environmental hazard, so alternative acids are used including H2SO4 (Type II). 16,19

Anodizing is performed electrolytically in an acid bath with the aluminum part acting as the anode. The anodization can be performed under controlled voltage or current conditions. Typical anodization voltages for aluminum are 10–15 V DC. An external power source drives the electrochemical oxidation of aluminum and generates an oxide layer that grows into the bulk metal forming an anodic coating over the surface. The oxide coating functions as a physical barrier to prevent solution contact with the underlying alloy. At the oxide/alloy interface, there is a barrier layer consisting of a densely formed aluminum oxide (≈10 nm). 19 Atop the barrier layer is a more porous oxide layer that is comprised of nano-scale pores. Throughout the anodizing process, the aluminum matrix is oxidized to Al3+ and the ions react with H2O to form solid, porous Al2O3. The porous layer grows downward into the alloy during anodization and the structure and pore size is dependent on the anodizing conditions (voltage, time, and current density) as well the alloy microstructure and elemental composition. 19,20 As the anodizing time increases, the oxide layer grows deeper into the material with the pores acting as transport channels for oxygen and electrolyte through the oxide down to the barrier layer. 19,21 In practice, the outer pores of the anodic coating are then closed, or "sealed," by a chemical treatment (e.g., nickel acetate), conversion coating formation, or hot water immersion. 2225 A properly sealed anodic oxide layer provides outstanding corrosion resistance by acting as an inert barrier on the scale of several microns in thickness. Aluminum anodizing and corrosion testing has been researched on 2xxx wrought alloys, 2226 die-cast Al-Si alloys, 20,27 and other aerospace aluminum alloys. 16,19,21,28

With the increasing use of additive manufacturing to produce metal alloys, it is important to study anodic coating formation on SLM AlSi10Mg alloy and its impact on corrosion susceptibility. To the authors' knowledge, the first literature report of Type II anodization of SLM AlSi10Mg was published by Revilla et al. in 2017. 20 They demonstrated that the SLM alloy can be anodized galvanostatically. Subsequent studies focused on understanding the effects of the Si content, the microstructure of the alloy, and the effect of heat treatment on the formation and morphology of the oxide coating. 2831 These studies compared AlSi10Mg specimens prepared by SLM and traditional die casting. A critical review by Revilla and coworkers on the corrosion protection of AM aluminum alloys calls for additional studies of AlSi10Mg anodizing, namely in the potentiostatic modality. 32

We report herein on the potentiostatic anodization of SLM AlSi10Mg (type II sulfuric acid). We investigated the oxide coating morphology and thickness and its effect on the electrochemical properties of the alloy. The electrochemical properties of the anodized alloy are compared with those of the unanodized specimen. The oxide coating morphology and thickness were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). The changes in electrochemical properties brought about by the oxide coating were assessed using multiple electrochemical methods in naturally aerated 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl. 15,33 The present report contributes to the literature by providing a comprehensive study of the potentiostatically-formed anodic oxide on this SLM alloy and how the coating affects the electrochemical properties.

Experimental Methods

Specimen fabrication and microstructure

Specimens were fabricated using a SLM*500 industrial 3D printer (SLM Solutions, Germany). The feedstock powder, build parameters, and part cleaning before shipment to MSU have been described in detail in a prior publication. 15 The specimens were printed from AlSi10Mg source alloy powder with a diameter ranging from 25–65 μm. In total, 10% of the particles were less than 26 μm in diameter, 50% less than 40 μm, and 90% less than 63 μm. According to ASTM B85 (Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Die Castings), this alloy powder has the following elemental composition (wt%): Cu (0.6), Mg (0.4–0.6), Fe (≤ 1.3), Sn (≤ 0.10), Ni (≤ 0.5), Zn (≤ 0.5), Mn (≤ 0.35), Si (9.0–10.0) and Al (balance). No independent measurement of the powder was made to determine its elemental composition.

The SLM processing involves melting and fusing metallic powder particles together with a high-power laser beam that is scanned across the build surface. Once a layer of solid metal is created, the tray holding the specimen is lowered and a new powder layer is deposited over the top. This is followed by laser-assisted melting and particle fusion to form the new layer. All specimens were prepared with the following dimensions: 2.54 cm (length) × 2.54 cm (height) × 0.635 cm (thickness), such that the large face (length × height) is the XZ plane orthogonal to the build plane. The XZ plane of all specimens was studied in this work. The SLM system uses 3D optics and four lasers (350 W and 1070 nm) to produce parts with a maximum build space of 500 mm × 250 mm × 365 mm. The inert gas used in the chamber during the specimen builds is Ar to limit oxygen reactivity with the heated aluminum. The following optimized parameters were used for part fabrication: laser power = 350 W, hatch spacing = 130 μm, powder layer thickness = 30 μm, and laser scan velocity = 1650 mm s−1.

Specimen post processing consisted of wire electric discharge machining (EDM), media blasting, and cleaning. No thermal annealing was applied to any of the fabricated specimens. The wire EDM step removes the parts from the build plate. The media blast step helps remove semi-sintered particles from the specimen, reduces the surface roughness some, and provides a matte finish to the exterior. The alloy specimens were blasted with sand at a pressure from 50–70 psi to remove loose powder particles. Cleaning was then performed consisting of the five general steps: (i) high pressure spray with detergent and rinse with water, (ii) ultrasonication in detergent followed by a water rinse, (iii) ultrasonication in detergent followed by a rinse and drying with a stream of N2 gas, (iv) vacuum oven drying and (v) packaging the cooled specimens into a nylon bag for transport to MSU. This constituted the "as-received" specimens.

Specimen preparation prior to anodization

The rough as-received specimens (e.g., surface roughness, Sq = 18 ± 2 μm) 13 were abraded with P1500 grit aluminum oxide grinding paper and polished down with 0.3 μm diam. Al2O3 powder/ultrapure water slurry followed by an ultrasonic cleaning (15 min) with ultrapure water to remove polishing debris. The specimens were then cleaned by immersion in a commercial alkaline degreaser, Bonderite C-AK 6849 Aero (Henkel Corp.) at 20 vol% and 55 °C for 10 min to ensure that the surface is devoid of grease and other organic contaminants. The specimens were then continuously rinsed with city tap water for 2 min. Deoxidation was then performed by immersion in a commercial solution, Bonderite C-IC Smut-Go NC Aero (Henkel Corp.), at 20 vol% and room temperature for 2 min followed by rinse cleaning in city tap water for 2 min. Afterward, the specimens were dried with low pressure N2 gas. The cleaned and dried specimens were then used shortly thereafter for the anodization.

Type II sulfuric acid anodization

Pretreated specimens were potentiostatically anodized in 9.8 vol% H2SO4. A DC power supply (Tenma) was used to control the applied voltage for anodization, as described previously. 33 The positive terminal was connected to the AlSi10Mg specimen (anode) with a wire and alligator clip. The cathode was a piece of SS304L plate with dimensions of 2.5 cm × 1.7 cm and a 0.1 cm thickness. The electrodes were placed parallel to one another at a fixed distance of 5.7 cm using a clamp secured to a ring stand. Anodization was performed in a 400 mL beaker filled with 9.8 vol% H2SO4. The electrodes were lowered into the bath such that approximately 1.9 cm (about ¾ of the sample) of each was immersed. The anodizing process began at 0 V ramping to 15 V at a rate of 5 V min−1 in 1 V steps. After this 3-min ramp, the voltage was held at 15 V for 20 min giving a total anodization time of 23 min. These parameters were selected based on prior work anodizing wrought AA2024-T3 to produce an oxide weight of ∼1000 mg ft−2. 33 The anodized specimen was removed from the beaker and rinsed with ultrapure water. To fully remove slowly dissolving anodization smut, the specimen was immersed in ultrapure water for at least 20 min with periodic agitation. Finally, the specimen was then dried with a stream of N2 and stored in a covered petri dish in the lab atmosphere for at least 24 h before further testing.

The oxide weight after anodization was determined by an acid stripping method, as described in ASTM B137 (Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Mass Per Unit Area on Anodically Coated Aluminum). The specimen was weighed using an analytical balance (±10 μg) before and after stripping in a solution of chromic acid anhydride (20 g l−1) and orthophosphoric acid (35 mL l−1) that was heated to 100 °C. The anodized specimen was immersed in the stripping solution for 5 min, rinsed in ultrapure water, dried with N2, and weighed. The acid dissolution was repeated until the mass loss was negligible (< 0.010 mg). The weight loss (mg) is attributed to the dissolution of Al2O3 oxide layer. The oxide weight per unit area is reported in mg/ft2, as per ASTM B137.

Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

A JEOL 7500 F scanning electron microscope was used to image the anodized specimens. The XZ surface was imaged using an accelerating voltage of 1 kV in the gentle beam (GB) mode. A cross section of an anodized specimen was prepared by cutting the specimen and hot mounting in conductive resin. The mounted specimen was abraded and polished down with 0.3 μm alumina powder and then ultrasonically cleaned in ultrapure water for 20 min. Following this, tint etching in Weck's reagent (4 wt% KMnO4 + 1 wt% NaOH) was applied for 30 s. 15 For general imaging, an accelerating voltage between 2–5 kV, an emission current of 10 μA, and a working distance of 4 mm were used. For energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS), the cross section was analyzed with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV and an emission current of 20 μA for increased signal strength.

Electrochemical properties

Electrochemical testing was performed using a Gamry Reference 600 potentiostat. Aluminum alloy specimens were mounted in a two-compartment glass flat cell (BioLogic, France) by a clamp against a 1 cm2 O-ring used to define the working electrode geometric area exposed to the electrolyte solution. A platinum mesh served as the counter electrode and home-made Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl internal solution) electrode was the reference. 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl was used as the electrolyte solution, and all measurements were performed under natural aeration conditions at room temperature. The electrochemical characterization began with an open circuit potential (OCP) vs time recording for 60 min. After the OCP measurement, a specimen was used for the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and linear polarization resistance (Rp ) measurements. Rp measurements were made from a positive-going linear potential sweep starting at −10 mV vs OCP and scanning to +10 mV vs OCP at 1 mV s−1. The reciprocal of the slope of the linear i-E curve fit was used to calculate Rp . The EIS measurements were then made at the OCP using a 0.010 V rms ac sine wave over a frequency range from 106 to 10−1 Hz. The total impedance and phase angle were recorded from high to low frequency with 7 points data points collected per frequency decade. For all these measurements, at least six specimens were used. Finally, potentiodynamic polarization measurements were made on these specimens. One group was polarized from the OCP to a positive potential limit of 0.50 V vs Ag/AgCl. Another group was polarized from the OCP to a negative potential limit of −1.2 V vs Ag/AgCl. Separate anodized and unanodized specimens were used for the anodic and cathodic polarization measurements (N = 3 anodic and N = 3 cathodic each). Tafel analysis of the anodic and cathodic polarization curves was performed to extract the kinetic parameters (β and jcorr ) for the anodic and cathodic reactions on the anodized alloy relative to the unanodized control. The Tafel slopes, βa and βc were determined by linear approximation between 30 < ǀEcorr ǀ < 100 mV. The intersection of the anodic and cathodic tangent lines was used to estimate the corrosion current density, jcorr .


AlSi10Mg microstructure prior to anodization

Rapid melting and particle fusion in the SLM process leads to a nonequilibrium microstructure. Studies of the SLM AlSi10Mg microstructure have been reported in the literature. 5,6,9,12,34,35 The SEM micrograph in Fig. 1 presents a representative example of the unanodized alloy microstructure. The microstructure is characterized by a cellular α-Al phase that is surrounded by a more fibrous Al-Si eutectic phase. 5,6,813 Within the melt pools, the α-Al cells all have an aspect ratio greater than 1.0 with the long dimension of the cells in the MP Coarse region being ca. 1–3 μm and the long dimension in the MP Fine region being generally 1 μm, or less. The dendritic morphology is comprised of cells with a columnar orientation in the build direction due to the unidirectional heat transfer during laser melting and solidification. 5,6 The Al grain size is smaller in the center of the melt pool (MP fine) and larger at the edges (MP coarse) because of the large thermal gradients and different cooling rates. As each additional powder layer is fused to the previous layer, the Si network at the surface of the build is recrystallized in the heat affected zone (HAZ). Note that the HAZ region consists of a disrupted or broken Al-Si eutectic phase surrounding the α-Al cells. This is an area reported to have higher galvanic activity and a greater vulnerability to corrosion initiation. 10 The grain structure and micro texture of the SLM AlSi10Mg alloys resemble materials used other reports for this SLM alloy, but are distinct from reported data for the cast alloy. 5,6,34 The reason for the smaller, columnar grains that develop in the build direction is the rapid and directional solidification that occurs in the SLM process. 5,6,34 Electrochemically, the interface between the α-Al matrix and the continuous or broken Al-Si eutectic phase constitutes a region where the passivating anodic coating will not form completely leading to sites were solution penetration can occur and crevice or localized pitting corrosion can initiate.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (1)

Type II sulfuric acid anodization process

Three surface pretreated AlSi10Mg alloy specimens were anodized with the current measured at different time points during the potentiostatic process. The current density was calculated by dividing the measured current by the total geometric area of the specimen immersed in solution including the edges and rear face. Sampled anodization current density vs time curves for three different specimens are shown in Fig. 2. The current density increases proportionally with the voltage during the ramp phase. The maximum current density is achieved at the beginning of the hold phase at 15 V of between 12 and 15 mA cm−2. The 15 V used herein is a typical anodization voltage for aluminum and was used in our prior work with anodized AA2024-T3. 33 The current then declines over the next 3 min, trending toward a more constant value of 6–7 mA cm−2 for the duration of the anodization. During the ramp, the proportional increase in current density is because of the higher rate of oxidation with increasing voltage. Once the hold begins at 3 min, the current decreases because of the maturing surface coverage and increasing thickness of the oxide. Finally, at times beyond 10 min, the near steady-state current of 6–7 mA cm−2 reflects a constant rate of oxide growth. For comparison, the anodization current densities for wrought AA2024-T3 alloys under the same conditions are 30–60 mA cm−2, as reported in prior work, reflective of the greater surface area of aluminum exposed in the wrought alloys. The Al-Si eutectic phase reduces the effective surface area of the SLM AlSi10Mg specimens exposed to the anodizing bath per specimen geometric area.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (2)

The electrochemical formation of porous aluminum oxide is shown in this redox reaction:

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (3)

The equation indicates 1 mol of oxide is produced for every 6 mol of electrons passed. The theoretical mass of oxide (mox ) formed can be estimated from the total charge (Q) passed using Faraday's law in Eq. 2

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (4)

In this equation, Mox is the molar mass of Al2O3 (102 g mol−1), n−1 is the number of electrons to produce one mole of oxide (6), and F is the Faraday constant (96,500 C mol−1). To account for other electrochemical reactions, the Faradaic efficiency (η) is included in the calculation. A value of η = 0.6 is commonly assumed, based on previous work by Veys-Renaux 19 and Wu. 21 Dividing the oxide mass by the anodized surface area yields an oxide weight of 918 ± 42 mg ft−2 (mean ± standard error of the mean) for multiple specimens (n = 3). The oxide weight, as measured by the chemical stripping method, was a little lower at 698 ± 29 mg ft−2 or 7.5 ± 0.3 g m−2. The discrepancy between the two values suggests a lower Faradaic efficiency than the assumed η = 0.6 value. If the oxide weight from ASTM B137 is used in Eq. 2, the calculated Faradaic efficiency is η = 0.46 ± 0.03. The lower η can be explained by some charge being passed for the oxidation of Si to SiO2, which has been reported by Revilla and coworkers. 20 To summarize their work, SLM and the diecast AlSi10Mg alloys were anodized galvanostatically in 9.8% H2SO4 followed by characterization using XPS depth profiling. For the SLM prepared alloy, the XPS profiling revealed that SiO2 was present throughout the oxide. In contrast, the die cast alloy contained no subsurface Si oxide. The presence of the Al-Si eutectic phase in the SLM prepared alloy causes the reduced Faradaic efficiency. 20

Scanning electron microscopy—energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

SEM micrographs of an anodized specimen taken in the gentle beam (GB) mode are presented in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3a, the anodized surface is viewed at the same magnification as in Fig. 1 for comparison. The Al-Si eutectic phase network and columnar α-Al grain structure are evident inthe fine and coarse melt pool regions and the HAZ region in between the sintered layers (yellow dashed lines). The α-Al cells are, however, larger in the MP Course region. A higher magnification micrograph of the red boxed area is shown in Fig. 3b. On the surface, the Al-Si eutectic phase network remains.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (5)

Intact within the coarse melt pool region. Closer investigation of the Si and Al regions in Fig. 3c reveals a porous oxide has grown across and into the α-Al grains that are surrounded by a more discontinuous Al-Si eutectic phase. A uniform oxide pore diameter of ∼20 nm is seen. In some places, the Si phase remains intact, but in other places it looks to be oxidatively damaged. This damage is apparent when comparing the anodized surface in Fig. 3c with the unanodized surface shown in Fig. 3d. The Al phase in Fig. 3d is nonporous and is lined by mostly a continuous and nodular shaped Si eutectic phase. In some areas where the anodized α-Al connects with the Si eutectic phase, there are larger depressions and voids in the aluminum that extend into the alloy and below the Si phase. These can be seen in the left center of the micrograph presented in Fig. 3c. This is a notable feature, as defects along the α-Al and Si eutectic phase interface are locations for electrolyte solution penetration and corrosion initiation.

A SEM micrograph of a cross section of an anodized AlSi10Mg specimen is shown in Fig. 4. The oxide thickness is indicated by the yellow bars with values of 4.5 to 6.0 μm over the region probed. The mean ± standard error of the oxide layer thickness is 5.4 ± 0.3 μm (average ± standard error of the mean). Although there is some variation in the oxide thickness, the oxide layer appears continuous across the alloy surface. This indicates that there is good physical and chemical contact between the oxide and the underlying aluminum.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (6)

The micrograph in Fig. 5a shows that large sections of the Al-Si eutectic phase remain intact through the growing oxide. The brighter appearing features running diagonally through the oxide cross section are the Al-Si eutectic phase. Near the top of the micrograph, the resin/oxide boundary represents the outer surface of the anodic coating. An isolated alloy defect that has been entrapped within the oxide layer is shown in greater detail in Fig. 5b, labeled herein as a microvoid. The micrograph in Fig. 5b shows the yellow boxed region in Fig. 5a labeled b. This bulk alloy defect likely resulted from the entrapment of moisture or gas during the SLM fabrication process. Weingarten et al. reported these internal porosity artifacts as hydrogen porosity. 36 These are sites of interest in the AM materials. 37 This fabrication defect was not commonly observed in the AlSi10Mg specimens used herein. One microvoid was found in the oxide layer (Fig. 5b), and another in the alloy (Fig. 5d), for comparison. This gives insight into how the oxide layer formation occurs around fabrication defects. Along the top edge of the microvoid, the aluminum oxide pores branch out horizontally, then turn downward (yellow arrows). This type of oxide coating morphology has been noted by Revilla et al. in a study of porosity artifacts in the SLM alloy. 29 The pores grow perpendicular to the walls of the void because the porous oxide layer allows for electrolyte solution penetration into the micro void, filling it. Once the electrolyte contacts the unanodized bottom and sides of the void, the oxide layer grows perpendicular to the interface. Finally, as the entire surface of the void becomes oxidized, the anodizing front (oxide/metal interface) passes below the microvoid, and anodizing continues downward into the alloy. The oxide/metal interface is shown in greater detail in Fig. 5c, which is the yellow boxed area in Fig. 5a labeled c. The yellow arrows show the orientation of the pores are not perfectly straight as would be seen for a cast alloy (e.g. Revilla et al.). 20 In contrast, the observed oxide/metal interface is not uniform in depth, but rather jagged at the high magnification. This can be explained by the tortuous path that the aluminum oxide pores must follow when forming through the Si-rich network. Key parameters of oxide coatings for corrosion protection are the thickness, pore structure, pore size distribution, and adhesion to the aluminum base. Increased thickness and decreased porosity, either by sealing or adjustments in the anodization parameters, enhance the corrosion protective properties.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (7)

The backscattered electron micrograph in Fig. 6a was analyzed using EDXS mapping. Elemental maps for O, Al and Si are displayed in Figs. 6b–6d. The maps provide qualitative insight on the location of different elements in the oxide cross section. The X-ray analysis data was only used qualitatively. The O Kα1 intensity dominates the top half of the map where the oxide coating resides. Based on the scale bar and the presence of O, the oxide layer is approximately 5 μm thick. The Al Kα1 signal is present in both the top and bottom halves of Fig. 6c. The signal for Al is lower in the oxide than in the bulk alloy as expected given the lower density of the element. Likewise, the Si Kα1 intensity is present throughout the fully mapped area, and aligns with eutectic network seen in Fig. 6a. EDXS data (not presented here) also revealed the presence of S, from SO4 2−, incorporated within the oxide. The element was present in the outer oxide, but the spatial resolution was insufficient to confirm the presence near or within the barrier layer. It has been reported that the sulfate content is low at the initial stage of anodization in H2SO4 and increases with anodization time to a near constant value. 38 This is explained by the greater inward mobility of O2 ions relative to SO4 −2 ions under the electric field during anodizing. From the microscopy data at hand, the oxide coating is about 5 μm thick for these anodization conditions, but the thickness of the all-important barrier layer at the base of the oxide coating cannot be determined.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (8)

Mg is added to the alloy for strengthening. It largely diffuses into the Al matrix in these SLM AlSi10Mg alloys. Some Mg2Si secondary phases can form at the Al-Si eutectic phase boundary depending on the processing conditions. 5,39 Our SEM and EDAX analysis of the specimens used in this work did not reveal any of these secondary phases.

Electrochemical properties

Various measurements were made to investigate the effect of the oxide layer on the electrochemical properties of the AlSi10Mg alloy. The open circuit potential (OCP) vs time was recorded and example curves are presented in Fig. 7a. The OCP for the anodized specimen drifted positive over the first 1000 s before reaching a maximum and then stabilizing at a less positive value of ca. −0.450 V. The OCP for the unanodized specimen started at a more active potential and did not change much over time stabilizing at ca. −580 V after 2000 s. Table I presents a summary of the stabilized OCP values for the two specimen types. The nominal value for the anodized specimens is more noble than the value for the unanodized specimens by about 150 mV. This trend is consistent the passivating nature of the anodic coating.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (9)

Table I.Summary of electrochemical data for anodized and uncoated SLM AlSi10Mg alloy specimens in 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl.

OCP (mV)−456 ± 14−591 ± 8**
Epit (mV)72, 270
j at −0.1 V (μA/cm2)0.469 ± 0.0787.11 ± 0.10**
j at −0.8 V (μA/cm2)−0.026 ± 0.001−5.58 ± 1.06**

Data are reported as mean ± standard error of the mean for n = 6 anodized and n=6 unanodized specimens. Statistical significance was determined by a two-tailed student's t-test assuming equal variance with statistical significance at **p < 0.005. Potentials reported vs Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl). Currents are normalized to the geometric area of the electrode.

Anodic and cathodic potentiodynamic polarization curves for multiple anodized (black curves) and unanodized (red curves) specimens are presented in Fig. 7b. It is clear from the data that both anodic and cathodic currents are suppressed by the anodic oxide coating. For example, the anodic current at −0.1 V is suppressed by 15× after anodization while the cathodic current at −0.8 V is suppressed by 215× (see Table I). These potentials were selected arbitrarily for reporting current differences. The data indicate that the oxide coating slows the redox reaction rates for both aluminum oxidation (Eq. 3) and dissolved oxygen reduction (Eq. 4).

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (10)

In the anodic polarization curves for the anodized specimens, there is no onset of localized oxide breakdown and stable pit formation and growth (i.e., sharp anodic current increase with potential) out to 0.5 V for any of the specimens, consistent with the oxide coating passivating the underlying surface. Beyond −0.1 V, the specimens exhibit a passivation current density, jpass, of ca. 10 μA cm−2. The passivation current density is about 15× lower after anodization (see Table I). While no breakdown was observed on any of the anodized specimens, two of the three unanodized specimens showed signs of native oxide layer breakdown. At high anodic potentials, the chloride-containing electrolyte causes the breakdown of the native oxide layer on aluminum. 40 The oxide breakdown occurs locally, and the active Al oxidizes rapidly forming stable growing pits. The pitting potential (Epit) marks the point at which the current increases significantly above the passivation current reflecting stable pit formation and growth. One unanodized specimen exhibited no evidence for oxide coating breakdown out to 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl. Two unanodized specimens, however, exhibited breakdown or Epit at 72 and 270 mV vs Ag/AgCl, respectively. This variance from specimen to specimen is attributed to different levels of imperfections and defects in the native oxide layer that forms on the alloy surfaces.

The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is assumed to be the primary cathodic reaction in naturally aerated electrolyte at potentials from the OCP down to −1.1 V vs Ag/AgCl. The anticipated oxygen reduction reaction is shown in Eq. 4.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (11)

Evidence that the current at these potentials is due to the reduction of dissolved oxygen is the attenuation in the current that was observed underdeaerated conditions (data not shown). The cathodic scan begins at the OCP and extends down to −1.2 V vs Ag/AgCl. The current density near the OCP is two orders of magnitude lower for the anodized specimens, as compared to the unanodized control. Table I reveals the nominal cathodic current density at −0.8 V is 215× lower for the anodized specimens. The current for both specimens, but particularly for the anodized ones, increases negative of −1.1 V vs Ag/AgCl due to the onset of reduction of Al2O3 and the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER).

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (12)

Table II summarizes linear polarization resistance (Rp) values for anodized and unanodized alloy specimens. Rp increases nominally to 3.07 (± 0.43) ×106 Ω·cm2 after anodization from 9.99 (± 2.69) ×103 Ω·cm2. This increase of 279× reflects the increased alloy corrosion resistance because of the passivating anodic oxide coating. Based on the polarization curve currents, the most significant effect of the oxide layer is on suppression of the oxygen reduction reaction current, as seen in in Fig. 7.

Table II.Summary of the polarization resistance (Rp) values obtained from linear polarization curves for anodized and unanodized AlSi10Mg specimens.

Sample # R p (MΩ·cm2 ) R2 R p (kΩ·cm2 ) R2
Mean ± SEM3.07 ± 0.439.99 ± 2.69**

Note that Rp is measured in MΩ·cm2 for the anodized and kΩ·cm2 for the unanodized specimens. Differences in mean values were were compared using the two- sample one-tail student's t-test with statistical significance at **p< 0.005. R2 values for the i-E plots from which the Rp values were calculated are also presented. SEM is the standard error of the mean.

Tafel analysis was performed on the potentiodynamic polarization curve data to determine how the Tafel slopes, β (mV/decade of current, reaction mechanism), and corrosion current density, jcorr (A/cm2, measure of the corrosion rate) are affected by the oxide coating. Tafel plot extrapolation was used to extract the jcorr and the corrosion potential, Ecorr, values. No iR correction was applied to the η–log j data. The assumption is that a single cathodic reaction is occurring, namely the reduction of dissolved oxygen.

Table III presents a summary of the Tafel analysis data for anodized and unanodized specimens (n = 3 of each). Nominally, the Tafel slope is slightly lower for the anodic curves and a slightly higher for the cathodic curves after anodization. Overall, though, the anodization does not significantly alter the Tafel slope for either reaction. Therefore, the mechanisms for the two reactions are not changed by the oxide coating. However, the oxide coating does significantly decrease the currents for both reactions with the nominal jcorr value being 133× lower than the nominal value for the unanodized control specimens. This effectively translates into a two order of magnitude decrease in the corrosion rate at Ecorr. This decrease in jcorr is consistent with the average suppression of the anodic and cathodic potentiodynamic polarization curves (Table I) of 115× and the nominal increase in the Rp value of 279×.

Table III.Tafel analysis of the anodic and cathodic potentiodynamic polarization curves. Anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes (βa and βc , respectively) were determined from the line of best fit between ǀηǀ = 30 to 100 mV. The R2 value is reported for each line of best fit. The corrosion current density, jcorr, was determined from the crossing point of the extrapolated Tafel curves at η = 0.

Sample # βa (mV/dec) βc (mV/dec) jcorr(μA/cm2)R2 βa (mV/dec) βc (mV/dec) jcorr (μA/cm2)R2
1994.87 × 10ˉ3 0.9931710.5150.988
21033.41 × 10ˉ3 0.9931700.7850.987
31824.33 × 10ˉ3 0.9982450.5460.982
4−3215.94 × 10ˉ3 0.953−2250.6130.995
5−2233.88 × 10ˉ3 0.962−1950.3160.988
6−2414.60 × 10ˉ3 0.925−1970.8200.993
Mean ± SEM 128 ± 27 −262 ± 30 (4.50 ± 0.37) × 10−3 196 ± 25* −206 ± 10* 0.599 ± 0.076**

Statistical significance was determined by a one-tailed student's t-test assuming equal variance with *p < 0.01 and **p < 0.005.

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements were performed at the OCP in naturally aerated 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl using anodized (black) and unanodized (red) AlSi10Mg specimens. Figure 9 presents impedance spectra in the forms of Bode diagrams of (a) total impedance and (b) phase shift vs log frequency. A high degree of reproducibility between the replicate measurements is seen for each specimen type. At all frequencies, except the highest, the impedance of the anodized specimens is greater than the unanodized ones. At the highest frequencies, the Bode diagrams for both specimen types exhibit a constant impedance of ca. 20–50 Ω•cm2 with a phase angle approaching 0°. This corresponds to the series resistance, which is the sum of the ohmic resistances of the metal alloy and electrolyte solution. This resistance is similar for both specimen types, as expected. At middle frequencies, the impedance increases with decreasing frequency while the phase shift approaches −70° for the anodized and −80° for the unanodized specimens. The phase angle for the anodized specimens is −60° to −80° over the frequency range from 104 down to 10−2 Hz while the unanodized specimens exhibit a phase shift maximum at about 50 Hz. The larger phase angle for the anodized specimens and the fact that the phase angle remains near −80° to lower frequencies is consistent with the formation of thick oxide coating with capacitive properties. 19,23,33

At the lowest frequencies for the anodized specimens, there is a significant increase in the low frequency impedance at Z0.01 Hz with a value of ca. 106 Ω·cm2. A value of 109 Ω·cm2 would be reflective of a very high level corrosion protection. 41 The 106 Ω·cm2 value reflects a good level of corrosion protection provided by the anodic coating that could be further improved by sealing. 2225,33 Furthermore, the 106 Ω·cm2 value is 43× larger than the values of 10–30 kΩ·cm2 observed for the unanodized control specimens. The increased Z0.01 Hz values are attributed to the suppression of Faradaic reactions by the oxide coating.


Anodization is an electrochemical process in which the aluminum surface serves as the anode of an electrolytic cell and the growth of Al oxide on the metal substrate is artificially induced through the action of an electrical current. During the oxide growth process, the aluminum anode is continuously consumed and the oxide front advances into the substrate, forming new oxide at the metal/oxide interface.

The growth mechanism of the anodic oxide coating is described in the literature and has been reviewed by Scampone et al. 42 The formation of the porous oxide coating during the anodizing process in sulfuric acid occurs in the following stages: (i) aluminum cations (Al+3) are formed from the dissolution of the Al anode The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (13) and H2 is generated at the cathode The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (14) (ii) under the influence of a high electric field, aluminum cations migrate toward the cathode (−), while the anions contained in the aqueous solution (O2 , OH, and SO4 −2 anions) move in the opposite direction toward the anode (+) (aluminum-oxide interface) where they react with dissolving Al+3 cations to form mainly aluminum oxide (Al2O3, see Eq. 1 above) with some sulfate incorporation; and (3) at the oxide/electrolyte interface, the aluminum oxide can also dissolve in the electrolyte allowing the formation of a porous structure The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (15) 20,21 In summary, the corrosion resistance provided by an anodic coating is strongly affected by the selection of the anodizing parameters and the microstructure of the base alloy, as well as the surface treatments performed before and after anodization. 18,19,22,27,31,43 Pretreatment of the alloy, such as abrading and polishing to smooth the surface, will have a significant impact on the oxide coating during the early stages when the coating forms non-uniformly, especially on a microstructurally heterogeneous alloy like AlSi10Mg. In the case of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg, the role of the microstructure and the effect of different surface pretreatments have not yet been comprehensively investigated. Therefore, the research results presented herein are important and serve to address this knowledge gap.

Compared with pure aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys, die cast, and 3D printed alloys are more challenging to anodize. This is because the high content of alloying elements and secondary phases prevent uniform growth of the oxide layer. 43,44 In areas free of second-phase particles, a regular porous anodic coating is formed. Inclusions, intermetallic compounds, precipitates, and other insoluble alloying elements that are incoherent with the aluminum microstructure are not anodized. 4244 Instead, the primary aluminum oxidation reaction proceeds around them, incorporating them within the surrounding oxide. The aluminum oxide coating will therefore be discontinuous and nonuniform near these solid non-Al phases, like Si in AlSi10Mg. As shown in Fig. 3, the alloy consists of an α-Al cells surrounded by a coarse Al-Si particle network. The higher Si amounts with respect to wrought Al alloys lead to the formation of a large volume of Al–Si eutectic structure. This solid phase prevents the uniform growth of the anodic layer during the anodizing process. 3133 Eutectic Al-Si particles have a slower oxidation rate than the surrounding aluminum matrix and promote the preferential growth of the oxide front in the α-Al phase. 20 The microstructure of the substrate and the anodizing parameters play a key role in the final thickness, morphology and uniformity of the oxide layer. It has been reported that reduced corrosion resistance is observed on surfaces parallel to the build direction (the XZ direction was studied in our work herein) attributed to the higher density of melt pool borders containing a higher concentration of course Si layers. 7,9 The native passivating oxide is expected to be defective and inhom*ogeneous at the interface of the Al and Si particles. The same is expected for the anodic oxide coating. The Si phase is more cathodic than the adjacent Al matrix leading to a driving force for galvanic corrosion. These imperfections in the oxide coating are sites for corrosion initiation. In other words, at the interface between the Al matrix and the eutectic phase, there will be discontinuous oxide formation. As such, there will be defects in the oxide, pores and cracks that likely serve as sites for corrosion initiation.

The potentiostatic anodization of SLM AlSi10Mg was performed in 9.8 vol% H2SO4. Reproducible current-time curve shapes were recorded from specimen to specimen during the SA anodization. The current initially surges at the beginning of the 15 V hold and then decreases as the barrier layer is formed. The subsequent current decay and approach to a steady-state value is reflective of a constant rate of the porous outer oxide growth. Using a chemical stripping method, the oxide weight per area was found to be 698 ± 29 mg ft−2. Based on the measurement of the charge passed during the anodization, the Faradaic efficiency was estimated to be η = 0.46 ± 0.03. lower efficiency is expected due to some fraction of the charge passed going toward oxygen evolution and surface oxidation of the Si eutectic phase to SiO2, consistent with Revilla's finding in the galvanostatic anodization of AlSi10Mg. 20 Our prior work anodizing wrought alloy AA2024-T3 revealed a nominal oxide weight of 1200 mg ft−2 for the same anodization conditions. 33

SLM AlSi10Mg has a distinct microstructure due to the rapid heating and fusion that occurs during the fabrication process. The very fine grains of α-Al are surrounded by a eutectic mixture of Al and Si precipitates. 512,44 The intercellular network is disrupted by a coarsening Si phase that surrounds the Al cells. As such, the expectation is that the oxide will form into the Al cells with some discontinuity at the Al-Si interface. Some surface oxidation of the Si to SiO2 also occurs.

High magnification micrographs in Fig. 5 reveal nanopores in the aluminum oxide coating. Revilla et al. studied the galvanostatic anodization of SLM AlSi10Mg. 20,29,30 Our work and that of Revilla et al. both show the Si network remains largely intact at the oxide interface and through the oxide coating. The cross-sectional micrographs presented in Fig. 4 are consistent with those reported by Revilla et al. That is, the SLM AlSi10Mg anodized coating is nominally 5 μm using the anodization conditions employed and has a slightly variable thickness due to the effect of the melt pool boundaries. 20,29

One of the issues with anodizing AlSi10Mg is the oxide coating defects and flaws that are likely to result near the interface of the aluminum and the solid Si eutectic phase. The integrity of the oxide near the Si phase is discontinuous and are locations for solution penetration and attack of the underlying metal. The electrochemical tests give insight into the robustness of the anodic oxide coating. The electrochemical properties indicate the alloy is passivated by the oxide coating, even with the discontinuous nature across the surface. The polarization resistance, Rp, is 279× larger for the anodized as compared to the unanodized specimens in the 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl electrolyte. Further evidence for the passivation is the negative shift in the OCP, the suppressed anodic and cathodic currents in potentiodynamic polarization curves (average of 115×), and the 133× decrease in the jcorr values obtained from Tafel analysis. The anodization suppresses both the cathodic and anodic currents with greater suppression of the cathodic current. The oxide coating inhibits the cathodic current by blocking access of O2 to the underlying Al surface, which reduces the electron transfer kinetics, and by inhibiting mass transport of O2 to the aluminum surface by serving as a diffusional barrier. The anodic oxide coating exhibited no signs of breakdown in the supporting electrolyte out to 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl. Future work will investigate the effect of chloride concentration (only 0.01 M studied in this work) on the localized pitting of anodized and unanodized AlSi10Mg. The relationship between the chloride concentration and pit growth kinetics of Al-Si alloys has been studied by Rehim et al. 45 To summarize, a greater chloride concentration increased the rate of pit nucleation. Additionally, electrolytes with a low chloride concentration required higher potentials for breakdown the oxide film. Cabrini et al. studied the effect of chloride exposure on SLM AlSi10Mg with anodic polarization experiments. 10 Their conclusions showed the same effect, with Epit trending more noble with lower chloride concentrations on polished specimens.

As per the authors' knowledge, there is no literature describing direct comparison of the electrochemical properties of unanodized and anodized AlSi10Mg fabricated by 3D printing. One study of a die cast Al-Si alloy was reported by Li et al. for anodizing in a Type II electrolyte. 27 Potentiodynamic testing in 3.5% NaCl lead to jcorr = 0.07 μA cm−2 for Type II anodized versus 0.24 μA cm−2 for the unanodized alloy for a 3× decrease by the added protection of the oxide layer. 27 In their work, no breakdown was observed for the anodized surface in the potentiodynamic test with an anodic limit of 0.75 V vs SCE. It can be that the pitting potential for the anodized samples is beyond the upper limit of the anodic polarization test. For future work on anodized AlSi10Mg, the authors suggest that a higher chloride concentration be used for studying passive film breakdown. Tafel analysis of the anodic and cathodic polarization curves from the present work are presented in Table III. The corrosion current density jcorr is 133× lower for the anodized as compared to the unanodized alloy. Since the anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes in Fig. 8 were the same for the anodized and unanodized specimens, it is concluded that the major influence of the oxide coating is to decrease the exchange current for both the anodic and cathodic reactions by reducing the electrochemically active area.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (16)

EIS results presented in Fig. 9 for the anodized and unanodized AlSi10Mg specimens reveal that the anodic oxide coating increases the low frequency impedance, Z0.01 Hz by 43× to ca. 106 Ω-cm2. The impedance modulus is similar to what was observed for unsealed AA2024-T3 anodized using the same conditions and in the same supporting electrolyte. 33 The anodized specimens exhibit an increase in Z0.01 Hz consistent with improved barrier properties and passivation, and a phase angle approaching −80 degrees over a wide frequency range reflective of the capacitive behavior of the oxide coating.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (17)


Potentiostatic anodization of SLM AlSi10Mg was carried out in sulfuric acid. The anodic coating forms into the Al cells in the alloy and is defective near the Al-Si eutectic phase particles that surround the α-Al cells. The anodic coating increases the corrosion resistance of the SLM alloy based on electrochemical measurements in naturally aerated 0.5 M Na2SO4 + 0.01 M NaCl. The key findings of this research can be summarized as follows:

  • 1.

    Anodization in 9.8 wt% sulfuric acid at 15 V for a total of 23 min produced an oxide coating weight of 698 ± 29 mg ft−2. This is ca. 2× lower than the oxide weight of wrought aluminum alloy 2024-T3 anodized similarly. This is attributed to a lower Faradaic efficiency for anodization on AlSi10Mg due to the presence of Si particles across the surface.

  • 2.

    The oxide coating is composed of a porous outer layer branching through the Si network with pore diameters of ca. 20 nm. The nominal oxide layer thickness was 5.43 ± 0.25 μm.

  • 3.

    Electrochemical testing revealed the OCP shifted negative and both anodic and cathodic currents were suppressed by the anodic oxide coating. Anodic currents in potentiodynamic polarization curves at −0.1 V vs Ag/AgCl were 15× lower and cathodic currents at −0.8 V was 215× lower. The oxide coating has more of an effect of suppressing the cathodic (oxygen reduction) current density.

  • 4.

    The polarization resistance, Rp, determined from linear polarization measurements was 279× larger for the anodized as compared to the unanodized specimens.

  • 5.

    Tafel analysis of the anodic and cathodic potentiodynamic polarization curves revealed similar Tafel slopes for the anodic and cathodic curves but corrosion current densities, jcorr, 133× lower for the anodized as compared to the unanodized alloy. Since the anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes were the same for the anodized and unanodized specimens, it is concluded that the major influence of the oxide coating is to decrease the exchange current for both the anodic and cathodic reactions by reducing the active area.

  • 6.

    Impedance spectroscopy revealed the anodic oxide coating increases the low frequency impedance, Z0.01 Hz for the alloy by 43× to ca. 106 Ω cm2. The barrier properties of the oxide coating could be further improved by sealing.


This manuscript has been authored by Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies; LLC under Contract No. DE-NA-0002839 with the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The authors thank Taylor Kmetz (KCNSC) for administrative and management work on the project.

The Effect of Sulfuric Acid Anodization on the Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg Prepared by Selective Laser Melting (2024)


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